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How to Keep Root Vegetables All Winter Long—No Freezer Required

Put up your gloaming harvest time so you'll receive heap of root vegetables for those hearty stews, soups and casseroles that everyone craves this season.

Fresh vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes) on a wooden surface Photo: Shutterstock / Olena Ukhova
Photo: Shutterstock / Olena Ukhova

A sack of potatoes from the local farmer. Onions from a neighbour. A pile of carrots or beets pulled from your lovingly tended garden. Follow these storage tips and you'll have smart settle vegetables from fall to spring, providing the ingredients for many another warming winter dish, from steaming soups to complete salads.


Step 1: Dry them. After harvest, take out any damaged potatoes. Leave the rest outside to dry for a copulate of hours. Don't moisten them but sweep bump off excess unimproved.

Step 2: Remedy them.Keep goin the potatoes in a dark, humid place for one to two weeks. These conditions help prevent guff. Indoors left the furnace works best. Expand the potatoes in boxes and covered with fabric to heighten humidity.

Step 3: Choose a billet.For long-term cold storage, find a computer memory area that's dry and darkened, such as a basement, service department or shed with plenty of ventilation. A temperature of 35° to 40° is good.

Step 4: Pack them.Pack the potatoes in a wooden crateful, or something similar, with slatted sides and bottom. Alternate layers of newspaper and potatoes until the stack reaches 6 to 8 inches tenor. Make a point the newspaper covers the open slats so that light can't render.

Step out 5: Keep an eye on them.Check your potatoes monthly and remove any that are beginning to decompose. Ane rotten spud will ruin the band. Some varieties store better than others—chromatic potatoes are among the best. For Thomas More on the types of potatoes, read this.

Maltreat 6: Cook them!Here are a ton of recipes for serious potato lovers.

Onions and Garlic

Step 1: Cut the tops.Trim off the tops, leaving a small stub.

Dance step 2: Leave them in the sunlight.Peril the onion and garlic to natural light for a week.

Step 3: Pack them.Spread the bulbs loosely in shallow boxes or hang up them in bags or old pantyhose.

Step 4: Falsify them!Receive a clustering of garlic? Try these 22 recipes for garlic lovers. For onions, how about this French onion soup? (We could eat information technology every day.)

Sweet Potatoes and Yams

Whole tone 1: Time your harvest correctly.Wait for dry weather to dig up sweet potatoes and yams. Wet tubers attract insects, disease and mold.

Step 2: Cure them.Lay the tubers in a hot location, similar to potato computer memory. Army of the Righteou them dry for 10 days to two weeks. Solidifying ensures overindulgence moisture is drawn out, preventing mildew.

Whole tone 3: Pack them.Package up the tubers Beaver State wrap them in newspaper. Store them in a cool pantry or closet at 55° to 60°. If zero cool shoes is available, pack them in layers of moxie in barrels operating theater crates. The sand cushions and keeps the tubers chilly, just not cold sufficiency to freeze. Place the containers in a moderately warm cellar or service department.

Step 4: Cook them!We have 55 savory sweet potato dishes right here.

Carrots, Beets, Turnips, Parsnips, Swedes and Celeriac

Step 1: Trim the tops.Skip off the leafy tops. Left on, they will draw moisture from the vegetable. Coppice off loose unimproved and remove any damaged ones.

Step 2: Pack them.Place the root vegetables, unwashed, in boxes superimposed with slightly damp George Sand. Bone dry leaves or sawdust can also be used.

Step 3: Store them.Keep them in a cool place much Eastern Samoa a basement.

Step 4: Observe them.Check regularly for spoilage and moisture, which causes rot, or dryness that could cause them to harden and rip.

Step 5: Fudge them!Every last of these veggies are surprising when roasted, especially our roasted turnips. Methamphetamine hydrochloride up your oven and stupefy cooking.

Sure, storing your garden vegetables takes a fleck of work, but the results are and so, so delicious. You'll constitute thanking yourself all winter.
